
Master I from on June 25th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos

What do you do in a tier 0 fire meta? Just play water EZ

After getting to Masters with mathmech this season, I started having issues with pushing through early Masters so I switched to this deck. Despite all the hits, tear is still very good. I had originally played without the Shaddoll package, but ended up putting it back in. The mill effect is nice and Winda is a good option if you get Maxx c'd.

In terms of meta matchups, I think this deck performed well. Obviously I wasn't as worried against decks with destruction effects, and the shufflers were helpful against decks that needed to use the grave (very common). Overall, I was happy with this list and the climb. I know the horus variant is also popular at the moment, but I didn't see a need to try that version out.

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