
Master I from on June 30th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

There is so much Dimension Shifter on the ladder holy smokes

Super Poly won me almost every game I resolved it

Ended up cutting Supreme Sea Mare because I always opened it with scream and got hand trapped before I could fuse into kitkat to even get to the scream mills, replaced it with Reinforcements of the Army

Was running nibiru and called by the grave but ended up cutting them because my opponents were playing around nib and called by was doing the least for me

Card destruction is cool, I haven't played with it enough to know how good it really is but it won me 2 out of the 3 games I saw it (didn't need to use it in the third game because I full comboed and won anyway)

Tiaraments strongest, thank you!

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