Virtual World

Master I from on June 29th, 2024
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

i didn't plan on grinding this month but realized i'd probably sail right on through to master 1 this late in the season. i was right.

so i went 17-3 to go from the bottom of master 4 to master 1.

  • i won 10 coin flips and went first 11 times.
  • i bricked in 2 of those 11 going-first games.
  • i bricked in 2 of my 9 going-second games. in one game, i drew into a starter.
  • 1 of those bricked going-first games resulted in a loss. the other was salvaged by maxx c drawing gamma.
  • nibiru won me 1 game.
  • my opponent's nibiru caused me to lose 1 going-second game in which i would've otherwise won.
  • gamma blocked ash against my kauwloon in 2 going-first games. gg ez.
  • gamma won FOUR going-second games. every single time i resolved gamma, i won. ayyyyyy!

what's my secret?

  • the only people climbing ladder at the end of a season are somehow even worse than me at this game. imagine someone imperming a nyan... in master 5. yikes. reading is hard.
  • this month, they're playing kashtira stun piles for some reason, which either loses to itself (bricking) or to one hand trap (gamma in response to unicorn search = gg ez).

conclusion: vw isn't good, my opponents and their decks are just worse. ayyy


ANYWAY, some tips as usual:

(1) small world lines.

turning hand traps / a starter that ate an ash / psy-frame driver into a lulu is game-winning!

here's the most important ones to know:

  • ash --> jiji --> lulu
  • maxx c --> gamma / jiji / lili --> lulu
  • nib --> lili / gamma / driver --> lulu
  • gamma --> nibiru / jiji --> lulu
  • driver --> nib / lili --> lulu

(2) getting to tzolkin for crystal wing in 5 summons or less

nibiru is staying in the meta, so this is crucial -- ideally, before you commit to setting up board pieces for shenshen / the axyz line.

in situations where you cannot set up crystal wing in 5 or less summons, then use the below tactics to guarantee your crystal wing:

  • tzolkin cannot be targeted by veiler/imperm if you have another synchro monster on your field.
  • axyz line can be used to bait veiler/imperm. generally, you'd rather have crystal wing than the armored xyz line.
  • you can pop your own tzolkin with a face-up chuche to dodge veiler/imperm.

(3) remember, it's not about being good at yu-gi-oh. to win, you only have to be less trash than your opponent.

such wise words to live by. anyway, good luck in your future VW endeavors!

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ID: 781-697-168.

Check my profile every once in a while to see if I have new replays. I'm always fishing for interesting VW games, but tbh, most games are decided very quickly and with little thinking on my part.

If you resolve gamma and have follow-up for next turn, you probably win. If you go first and don't get maxx c'd or have your only starter eat an ash, you probably win. Otherwise, you probably lose. zzzzzzzzzz