Infernoble Knight

Master I from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
44 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck took me to Masters 1 in Snake-eye format. Context

Infernobles strengths lie in their ability to dodge handtraps, gain hand knowledge, and set-up multiple interruptions consistently.

The whole goal for Infernobles is to get to Empereror Charles as he gives you a negate, a quick effect pop, ability to go into angelica's ring (Spell negate for super-poly/Dark Ruler/Forbidden Droplets). Charles is supported by Princess, Phoenix Gearfried, and Baronne. Typical end-boards will end on 5 interruptions. (2 S/T negates, 1 Spell negate on resolution, 1 pop, 1 monster negate).

Key cards

Neo Space Connector

Connector allows you to bait handtraps really well and gives you an idea of what you will be playing through. If they negate Neo Space Connector with imperm, it is likely that they have more handtraps. It also forces them to use and ash blossom or veiler or else those would be ripped out of their hand AND we would get hand knowledge to know what kinds of negates we need to set-up. Maxx "C" cannot be reacted to unless we have Called-by/Ash Blossom/Crossout Designator.

Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights

A single Isolde is full combo. It summons Ogier which sends Riccardeto and then go into Princess with Ogier + Isolde to special summon Riccardeto to SS Ogier. Then you can make Angelica.

Isolde also baits handtraps if you have more extenders. If the 1st effect is negated, you can make a second Isolde to use the 2nd effect.

Isolde also sends Angelica's ring to GY, so sometimes even if the Isolde is negated, you still want to use the 2nd effect to send Angelica's ring from deck to GY as cost.

Going 2nd, Isolde is great because it allows you to link climb into Unicorn and Accesscode Talker.

Diabellstar Engine

This engine consists of WANTED, Diabellstar Witch, and Original Sinful Spoils (OSS). This package allows you to get into Riccardeto from deck to SS a lvl 4 Fire Warrior monster from GY for full combo. Great thing about this engbine is that the WANTED + OSS draws you an extra card for more gas to bypass handtraps and OSS works on ANY face-up card, so that includes infernoble knight monsters that count as equip cards.

Noble Arms Museum

This is the best card they have since it can search you a Noble Arms card (Equip spells) and Special Summon equipped Noble Knight monsters. Allows a search and gives you more monsters for extenders.

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