
Master I from on March 27th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 390
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Still Standard Kashtira with UDF and Saryuja Package.

1 veiler just for the extra negate. (can be mourner, but I like veiler due to the fact that when I don't want to Ariseheart I would have a effect activation negate).

1 bagoozka (saved my life drawing 2 riseheart dead draw and can be turned into zues on offense)

I also Run Tearkash since people are going back to tearlaments, he eats up a lot of negates aswell so he's a good bait, He can also be used to gain info of the deck ur opponent are playing aswell (risky).

1 pathfinder for additional consistency (can be replace by pots or draw cards, I just prefer running 1 due to the fact that planets is limited. He can also be bagoozka fodder.)

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