
Master I from on March 12th, 2024
cp-ur 1320 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

i put a surprising amount of thought into this deck, even if the conclusions I arrived to seem mostly to be ones that most people arrived at

the one "weird" thing in my decklist seems to be the third OSS and I am 100% willing to defend that, it's a starter with most of your handtraps, it's an extender if you get handtrapped, and it just FEELS good to have an extra one in hand, just in case

i've had plenty of cases pre- 3 OSS, where i was handtrapped at some point and immediately lost, the extra chance to open it legit always helped me (plus just having it in grave afterwards ensures you get an even more insane grindgame even without opening your 6 copies of diabellstar)

i enjoyed my climb with this and am probably gonna play it for a few more months, at least until they ban it into the sun

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