Notes & Combos
Took the S38 #1 rated decklist and tweaked it a bit.
Overall, felt really solid. Last 20 games I had 14 wins. Probably couldve won 2 of those if I played better.
- 3x DRNM: Card is perfect for the meta. Fun fact, this card is not OPT of any sort so can play another even if Desirae negates. You want to see at least one in your opening hand, going first or second. Good against Exodia too, since its active even against DiFissure.
- 3x Allure -> 2x. Card is not always live. I reserve 3x for the cards I most want to see in my hand and allure doesn't really make sense. Crazy when combined with gold sarc, but weak to droll.
- 1 droplet: No generic superpoly targets so run 1 droplet.
- Banishment: Over BBBK. I think BBBK is much better against Tenpai so I assume that was his reasoning. I am playing LADD over Chimera, so Banishment is preferred.
- Proskenion: Good target for banishment against any Fiendsmith-variant deck (there are ALOT). Can also steal Silvia or S.P., so is very useful in a grind game. Stronger than Baronne so can catch people by surprise in simplified game state.
- 2x retribution: I think SCS and the other Branded duelist named player always run 2x retribution. It makes resources alot easier to manage. Also makes your grass never miss. Just for that, I think its worth the extra "brick". As backrow, I won a game against Tenpai where they had thrust, droplet, engage, widow anchor, paidra and maxx c just by using this and Talent to get rid of engage.
- 2x deployment: Looked weird at first but didn't feel bad. With 3x shrouded, 3x saronir, and 3x BIHS, alot of hands can hand get to Cartesia one way or another.
- Golden SS/BSword: Don't think either are necessary but they are good highroll cards. Golden SS is good to send if you have Cartesia in rotation already and I see SCS summon Albion with it. Golden SS also functions like a 2nd quem. Sword has some funny lines where you can get merc to negate ash on BF. 3x saronir makes running 2x retribution/sword optimal IMO.
- 1x unicorn: Just one to sack your opponent. Can go into Verte. I've had matches where my opponents use 2 imperms just on this guy. Sancitfire can revive him and BF can send him.
Some other thoughts:
- Albion the Sanctifire: Run this since Tenpai has gone down in usage but popular decks like SE and WF still run fuwalos/maxxc. SEFK/Zealantis usage has also gone down so your chances of surviving turn 2 are good. Great at disrupting GY for azamina, fiendsmith, tearlament cards.
- Never lost a single game against Yubel. But I didn't face any since Aerial Eater was released.
- Could cut nibiru for druiswurm. This makes BIHS, Sanctifire better and is also anti FS.
- Masquerade: Haven't used him but in theory, is insane against any FS deck. Especially against the millenium engine. Might honestly cut quaeritis for him, since VV usage has gone down.