Notes & Combos
Guide coming soon.
Pure Stardust Bystial with the new Metalmorph cards that are searchable with Black Metal Dragon. Fullmetal increases the floor for Pure, so it doesn't depend way too much on full comboing with Stardust. BMD is 1c Seals + Max Metalmorph. Seals can summon Druiswurm then sends their monster after you tribute it with Metalmorph to give you 3 Disruption. BMD is also summonable with Converging Wills Dragon(CWD) in case you cant access Brotaur.
Seyfert combos very well with Saronir, by sending Saronir to add another Bystial, then milling Lubellion to add it with Seyfert's GY effect. This can play around some hand traps. This also works with seyfert sending Baldrake/Druiswurm to add Saronir, but you'd rather start with Saronir to play around hand traps.
This variant is a lot weaker than Centur-Ion, so I don't recommend it over Centur-Ion unless you're on a budget.
Auxila is only there to be used with Arrive in Light in case you end up with Stardust and Lubellion on the field.
Basics for all combos:
-Activate Arrive in Light(AIL) to place CWD on top of your deck
-Make Dis Pater with Stardust Synchron and a Bystial
-Activate AIL's effect to Draw 1 on Chain Link 1
-Activate CWD's effect to summon itself and Omni Dragon Brotaur (You will need Brotaur in your deck)
-Activate Brotaur on summon to search Lubellion by targetting CWD (if you used Lubellion's search already target Dis Pater/Brotaur to search a level 6 Bystial)
-Dis Pater summon Stardust Synchron from banished(unless you're doing Stardust + Lubellion)
-Summon Shooting Majestic Star Dragon(SMSD) using Dis Pater and CWD.
-Summon the Bystial you searched
-Summon Lubellion tributing the Bystial
-Activate Lubellion to place Regained
-Summon Accel Synchron using Stardust Synchron/Primera and Brotaur
-Activate Accel Synchron to send Assault Synchron from deck and reduce level.
End Phase:
-Magnamhut search Druiswurm
Opponent's turn:
-Regained summon Dis Pater from GY
-Summon Ravenous Crocodragon using Accel Synchron and Druiswurm
Converging Wills Dragon(CWD) misses timing, meaning its effect can't be activated unless drawing it is the last thing that happens after a Chain Link resolves, so it has to be on CL1.
Also make sure not to activate Saronir or Auxila after activating Arrive in Light cause it will shuffle your deck. Shuffling your deck means CWD is no longer on the top of your deck and therefore you will not draw him.
First replay I full combo'd and summoned Fullmetal. Rest are Centur-Ion Stardust
Lubellion + Stardust:
Primera + Stardust:
BMD/Seyfert/Chaos space + Stardust:
Make sure to summon Auxila/Accel Synchro in the extra deck zone so you have more zones for turn 2.
the Stardust-Bystial channel has more resources.