Voiceless Voice

Master I from on March 12th, 2025
cp-ur 1710 + cp-sr 420
60 cards

Notes & Combos


Swapped between Exodia and this pile for the master climb. Got some nice winstreaks with this and had a blast playing it even though this meta, format, game, and developers are all total dogshit...

Really fun deck with a ton of gas and surprisingly consistent. Even the conflicting engines (Nadir and FS) were never an issue and were great at working through boards if I didn't have enough hand traps. Overall the deck is impressively resilient to everything except a well timed Nib or Droll. Unfortunately droll hard kills this deck unless you opened god-tier on the VV side and could still get to skull+LO

Pendulumgraph is there for the spell negate, however I couldn't fit odd-eyes in the extra, and if I can go full combo then backrow can get a little tight. Using a second copy of Saur instead of pend is totally fine and probably the smarter choice tbh

I piled in hand traps cus 60 cards, but swapped between a few options. At one point I was on multiple bystials as a way to theoretically get to beatrice without FS, but wound up bricking on them too many times so reduced them in favor of Nib (at least nib can be used as material for ritual summons under Prayers).

Overall exodia games were easier cus hur dur flip macro cosmos win but this deck was definitely more fun.

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