
Master I from on May 31st, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Blue-Eyes True Light Control ft Horus

Probably the easiest/simplest way of playing Blue-Eyes with Horus cards. The gameplan is like the usual True Light control's strategy, but this one has Horus as additional consistency engine. Horus helps milling Blue-Eyes cards to GY, while also giving access to 1st turn R8 XYZ and additional recovery options (on top of True Light and BE Jet) if needed.

This deck is the 4th BE Horus variants I shared. You can check my other Blue-Eyes Horus decks in my channel

The reasoning of card choices and alternative cards I have tried/you can try are on the description of the linked videos.

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Replays with gameplay explanation: