Danger Dark World

Master I from on May 24th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

  • Dangers: Playing 12 (ensures a 90% probability of opening at least one going 2nd, which is the main way you can play through established boards) of the ones that are useful even when discarded themselves to improve consistency.
  • 1 Genta and 1 Gates ratio: both are dead mills, also its not great opening gates and genta is an easy chokepoint for Ash, then we play only one to avoid having dead Gentas in hand. You could think of removing them but it can really hurt snoww if you have already played archives or accession.
  • Tear: great rank 4 potential, gives you more and really good discards for the dangers and can easily start playing with them, also really helps going 2nd.
  • you can activate all 40 cards in the main deck in the same turn, it really helps when going for the maxx "C" deckout.

Endboard target: 4 mat Apo, muckraker to protect it, rulkallos, grapha fusion, S:P and accession set for another grapha or kaleido if you have reinoheart anywhere.

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Replays: 860-024-304.