
Master I from on May 29th, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 450
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Presenting: πŸͺšπŸ§Έ Fluffal! 🧸πŸͺš MD Replays: 091-690-479 πŸ‘ˆ ^ Updated monthly with 3x new rogue deck replays.

I love this deck. Always have. But I've never been a huge fan of the "make an unbreakable board using Fluffal draw power and combo pieces that turn into Apollousa, Baronne, Hope Harbinger, etc." So here is pure Fluffal. πŸ’«

The deck is suited very well for this META imo. I tried making Trickstar, Nouvelles, DinoMist, and Kozmo work this month but didn't have nearly as much luck. It helps that everyone is running cheesy Horus decks that try to just skip your turn by King Callamity, and the deck has both Spoly and Scythe to end this set-up.

If you know how to combo with Fluffal this is a pretty standard build. It solely goes 2nd, it actually has zero plan for going 1st. Yet from Master V to I I went first not a single time so this is no problem. Sneyes is your worst matchup just bc of how many bodies it puts on the field repeatedly, and even if you have a good Spoly target they can still plus +3 off of it.

Not a lot more to say. The deck is fairly straight forward compared to the decks I like to try out. I don't think there is a lot of flex room for alternative engine cards nor non-engine. You can pick and choose your Tactics targets but I found these to be by far the most optimal choices.

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