
Master I from on May 31st, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

i will not play maxx C and i refuse to elaborate

i was playing the crystal beast stuff and all 4 horus monsters but decided to cut them for more hand traps. basically the idea is just to discard the vala with the horus stuff and make photon lord to protect your plays. i decided to run fufu instead of the enterblathnir/f0 hand loop cause i didnt want to dedicate 4 extra deck slots to it. fufu basically does the same thing except you end on fufu and laevatin instead of the hand rips (hand rip combo is better tho) lancelot is for zeus its pretty funny, world gear also just a funny card, not as good with only 2 horus monsters though

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