
Master I from on May 26th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Most basic combo is grimness plus any gishki card except for abyss. Your endboard is then Elf, Neremanas, Carrot, I:P and Gigantic (he's just here to be tributed by Carrot). Depending on hand you might also have Spright Red, Meowmine in grave and/or a second Neremanas (grimness is the only hard once per turn Gishki card). I:P can go into Little Knight or a 3200 Apollousa, depending on matchup.

The main deck is pretty tight, though obviously you can feel free to switch up hand traps. The only cards I would consider to be optional are Meowmine and Zielgigas. A lot of Gishki decks don't use Zielgigas, probably since you never want to summon him turn 1, but I really like him. He's not really a dead draw going first since you always want to use a ritual monster as tribute when using Gishki Aquamirror. Plus you can guarantee his non-target shuffle using Nekromirrors graveyard effect.

Extra deck does have some space to experiment. The deck would probably be better with Mannequin Cat, Sprind to mill Meowmine, or a 2nd Gigantic rather than Liebe, I just keep Liebe because it is one of my favorite cards. The Zeus package doesn't come up all that often, neither does Underworld Goddess so you could try removing them. I would consider the rest of the extra deck to be mandatory. Unicorn is there as a way to discard a ritual monster if Gishki Aquamirror gets stuck in grave. Dyna Mondo could be removed if you get rid of Zielgigas.

Some recommendations/thoughts for playing this deck:

  • Don't open with grimness unless you have to. You really want Gishki Abyss in grave, so if grimness gets interrupted and you don't have a way to get Abyss in grave for Elf/Neremanas to revive then that is bad. Plus there is the ritual monster attack lock, if you open with Grimness then the only way to OTK is attacking with two ritual monsters then going into Gustav Max in MP2. Plus you can't go into Zeus since you can't attack with XYZ monsters.
  • Don't be afraid to use Nekromirror with your own cards as tribute. I would rather pay 3000 life points than have Aquamirror in grave without a ritual monster to return it to deck.
  • Nib isn't really much of a threat to this deck. Usually you go into Gigantic before 5 summons or Neremanas is your 5th summon. If you open with Beautunaful Princess then Neremanas is your 6th summon though. One of my replays shows a way to handle this. You can still get a pretty good endboard.
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Replays at 829-405-901. Not a lot of great replays, probably because I was more trigger happy with surrendering. Mostly showing some ways to play around interruptions or how to deal with weird hands.