Notes & Combos
My focus on this list is having the best odds to open the best cards in my starting hand, which is why I run the 6 best maxx c outs, as well as the 9 most generically good hand traps, while manage to keep the deck at 40 (which most infernoble players cant). You could add 3rd museum and 1 red layer, either by cutting 2 non engine, or playing 42.
The 2nd durendal is to have the 6 equips ratio, which allows us to hard open 1 (69%-82% depending if we heritage into museum, or got extra draws from wanted/maugis), isolde mill 4, and still have 1 in deck for angelica museum search. also you could swap it for 1 joyeuse (worse to draw, but gives more utility).
In the extra deck dempsey, hitta and accesscode are the flex spots imo