Notes & Combos
It's been several months since I last played with this deck, But after I get EM:P Meowmine, I try it in this deck and it's work pretty well... free Extander for sprights and free bounce when you link sommon I:P Masquerena for S:p (sometime goddess or whatever) or when you use the Effect of Twin or fire spirght
normally, my endbourd be like : elf + Ki-sikil link + I:P + one or two of fire spright
pros :
- Easy linear combo with a lot of extander
- Pretty soled first turn end bourd with a couple of disruption in opponent turn
- S:P and Em:P is perfect cards for this stratge
- a lot of starter and extander, you almost never break
- This virsion foces more in Twins game play
- Challenge get you a way to comback after your bourd destroy and a way to get Trouble Sunny in you opponent turn for extra disruption
- There's a room for non-engin cards
- Red reboot to get rid of Labrynth (actully this deck doing well against Labrynth)
- Spright Gamma Burst = easy OTK
cons :
- Lose to maxx c, Evenly matched, skull drain and droll
- There's a couples of lock you sould be awaer of like : fiend lock after useing spicial sommun effect of twin, lock to lv2 after gigantc or starter, you can't s.s Ki-sikil & Lil-la if you have any other virsion of them in the field (like Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la)
anyway, it's a fun deck and you can give it try using loaner deck that's all for now... I guess