
Master I from on May 13th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

V-LAN Mathmech

Credit to FUGB18 for showing the potential of this combo. They won a Meta Weekly with the base of this combo before S:P was released.

This was their winning list:

However now that S:P is here this build is way better now. 1 card combo ends on I:P + Terahertz + Superfactorial. This is something it could do before, but because S:P is a link 2 you are now able to use I:P + laplacian to make S:P instead of unicorn or Apollousa. This does so many things for the deck. The board is now finally strong enough where you do not actually need to end on superfactorial to win the game. This allows you to be able to search for equation on circular to play through hand traps better when you only open circular and think the opponent has something. This play won me multiple games.

I don't play singularity. If I have an extra extender I just leave it on the board so I can make S:P without using laplacian. I don't believe the strength of the board needs to increase. I think it is win more for going first, but Singularity can help you otk sometimes going 2nd.

Something I figured out is that it is important to summon I:P into the EMZ first and then Terahertz under it. This way you can send mathmech multiplication to the gy with terahertz to increase I:P's attack if the opponent tries to attack over it. It also allows you to summon S:P next to terahertz so you are able to revive sigma the next turn.

The only flex spots in the extra deck are almiraj and aggregator. Final Sigma would have helped me win a few games, but with all the horus cards around, aggregator is pretty good right now and almiraj helps consistency.

You can play dotscaper if you want. It can help you get an extra material for I:P, but I find that ending on only tera + I:P isn't that good because you need to keep tera on the field or you have no follow-up. I prefer EM:P as the small world bridge.

I played parallel exceed for a short period of time, but took it out and replaced it with the second copy of addition and subtraction. This performed a lot better for me. I really didn't like how exceed was performing going 2nd and how it forced me to play my hand.

The reason to go over 40 cards is that it allows room for the 16th hand trap and the 3rd small world.

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