
Master I from on May 26th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Back on top of the Master Duel mountain, Melffs in hand.

S:P Knight is actually nuts

Kittytail is very good.

Mosquito is very good.

Kalantosa second fiddle to Kittytail now.


Depending on what I face every few matches on ladder I consider a few tech options :
  • 3x Droplet + 2x Evenly can be swapped for a lot of different things depending on what you are seeing the most. Droplet/Evenly is the most broad option but I did run into a matchups that I have techs for :
    • 2x Raigeki, 1x Harpies Feather Duster - solid budget friendly option for those saving dust/coin.
    • Veiler / Ghoust Mourner & Moonlit Chill - I was getting a LOT of value over Ash (it's harder to ash some of the current meta decks as a lot have chain protection) and the damage was surprisingly cheesy.
    • Nibiru a solid option but I found myself "losing less hard" with it instead of winning losing games, so I didn't use it much.
    • More Alpha Beast is never bad. It's silly how often this card picks apart Meta endboards without much in the way of interruption.


Extra Deck got interesting. I ended up swapping a few key things out here and there :
  • ALL HAIL THE NEW S:P Little Knight, Old Entity Hastorr now relegated to side deck.
    • This card comes up SO often. It's absurd how easily Melffy can get into this card.
  • Icejade Gymir Aegirine - Lowkey kinda sucks. I hardly ever use it unless Satellite is somehow unavailable. (Satellite on destruction effect too strong).
    • I swap in/out Baron depending on what I feel like I need.
  • Number 2: Ninja Shadow Mosquito - Meta destroyer. SOOOO many decks have huge bodies that cannot deal with this card.
    • Bonus points because no one knows wtf is going on when you use it. You always get the good ole in game pause because everyone has to read it.
      • Don't replace it. Get good with it. Cheese the current meta consisting of large body cards like Rescue Ace, Kash, Memento, Labrynth, etc

More replays on the way. I am starting to edit them together into singular, longer videos.

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