
Master I from on May 26th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 720
60 cards

Notes & Combos


The deck doesnt have 1card combos so you're never winning a handtrap war against meta decks, just run full engine/breakers and try to push through whatever they have.

You can probably fit in Vanities Ruler and make the deck way stronger but it would feel scummy so I didn't bother. However, it only takes one bad day...

Extra deck can forsure be improved, especially for OTK purposes. Dharc + selene (if you're running handtraps like veiler) + accescode would probably make it way easier, but you can stumble your way through it with borrelsword if you just pretend Nibiru isn't real.

As a final note, even if you want to go with a more handtrap-focused approach I recommend still running atleast a few copies of Talent, the card solowins the snake-eyes matchup because people aren't on the synchro version for some reason.

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Old build and some misplays, but decent showcase of what the deck can do