
Master I from on May 27th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If everyone is spamming hand traps I'll join in too with a archetype that is full of hand traps. Psy-frames on their own is unfortunately bad and bricky. Even if you open up decently if your opponent does nothing you in turn can do nothing. However with the new horus engine running amok on the ladder we can use it to give psy-frame a decent field and give psy-frame a alternate win condition. Testing this deck out there is 2 ideal fields that utlizes the horus engine:

  1. If you sense a imperm or effect veiler you make galaxy photon lord and hope harbinger. Makes the psy-frame cards useless in the hand but better than your play getting negated with no follow up.

  2. If you don't sense a imperm or effect veiler you make coach king giantrainer and draw 3. Hopefully you draw into psy-frame circuit and psy-frame monsters. Then with king's sarcophagus discard a card to send the final horus card to the gy or just summon it if it's already in the gy. Then link off to psy-framelord lambda and activate psy-frame circuit if you drew it(still ok if you don't have it.)

Now on the surface it looks like we just ended with nothing but just like with runick all of our disruptions are in the hand. The goal now is to to keep everything in a simplified game state. Next turn we are going to summon all the horus monsters from the gy and attack for game so the current objective is just survive. With the different variety of psy-frame cards with a well time negate you can stop your opponent combo and then synchro off to another disruption. The psy-frame tuners are either 1 or 2 so we can synchro into 7,8, and 10 so we do have variety. 10 is only summonable with accel synchro stardust dragon but the other level 7 and 8 are easy. Psy-framelord zeta and omega are mandatory and everything else is customizable by your own preferences.

Sounds easy but of course it's never like that in reality. Horus alone did carry some duels and of course you are going to brick. On the other hand I feel like maxx c was able to go through multiple times because gamma and delta prevented maxx c from getting negated and that alone has won duels. Overall, a bricky deck that is carried by the horus engine but somehow it still works.

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MD ID: 598-997-672

Only one replay of PSY-Frame for May 2024.

Master 4: I did have misplays but a good example of just surving until it was time to go all out.