
Master I from on May 27th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 660
42 cards

Notes & Combos

So what changed compared to my M5 version and why did it take so long for me to get to M1?

To answer the latter, three words: coin toss rng. I had an insane coin toss loss % of like 80% for 5 days straight. Took a break, played other decks for fun at m5, grinded secret missions, and then came back and grinded to M1 in around 3 days or so.

As for the changes i made to the deck compared to my M5 version, here are my thoughts:

  1. Removed PSY FRAME: As I was climbing to M1, players were no longer using maxx c in the draw phase, making gamma a dead card going first. Even if u activated it going first, you wouldn't be able to red rising full combo anymore. I'd also sometimes draw driver, which isnt the worst going first cuz u can discard it with bone, but its dead going second. So I ultimately decided to remove gamma.

  2. Added Kaiser Colloseum: Another insta win card like skill drain if you see it in your opening hand. Allows you to increase soul's level with bone and end on just Scarred + Crimson Gaia + Red zone as your only board. Your opponent is essentially locked out of their turn and even a feather duster wont save them as you have soul resonator in the grave. Even going second, it can be really good against horus and greedy snake eyes players that dont ip masquerana early.

  3. Added Pot of Prosperity: Its a starter, a way to search ur Kaiser Colloseum/Skill Drain, a way to bait Ash, turns on your dis pater, and its also a way to search for a potential maxx c answer if you suspect your opponent has maxx c in hand. Its just too good.

  4. Removed Fiendish Golem: Whilst its an ok card going first, its terrible if you draw it going second. You're searching for resonator or red zone most of the time with gaia anyways, So i just replaced it with a veiler instead for more disruption.

  5. Cut 1 Soul Resonator for 1 Void Apocalypse: You have 15 cards that can lead to your combo, so you don't need the 3rd copy. I'd rather have void apocalypse, which is a 5th copy of bone alongside foolish burial. Its also better than having to fit in a 3-4 card Supay package.

You could replace skull meister with another nibiru, droll, or ghost ogre if you want. But skull meister is searchable with soul if you already have bone in hand, which is why i tend to play it. Other than that though, not much has changed. I essentially just tuned the deck to win as many games as possible going first, and focus on disrupting opponents going second. The deck has a 90% chance to draw a starter piece (15 cards in 42), and a 90% chance to draw one disruption piece, and a 60% chance to draw two disprutions (15 cards in 42).


For combos, the two main combos are as follows:

  1. 1 card combo (if you only have Soul or access to soul in hand) - Summon soul to add bone. Discard a random card with bone to special bone. Then send crimson to grave and reduce soul's level. Synchro into red rising, summon crimson from grave and activate its effect to summon vision and sykron from deck/hand. At this point if your opponent has nibiru it will show. Then go into scarred with crimson and red rising. Then go into dis pater with scarred and visions, chain blocking vision search with scarred. Add gaia and then use gaia to add red zone. Then go into abyss with RDA and synkron, and add back vision from grave.

    End board: Abyss + Dis Pater + Gaia + Red Zone.

  2. 2 card combo - For this you need a way to get both crimson and ubvualoop into the grave. This can only be done if you can use both of bone's effect to discard these two cards. To do this you need: Soul/Access to Soul + Crimson/Ubvualoop/Bone in hand.

    The combo picks up after the end of the 1 card combo. U use ubvualoop's effect to banish red rising, and then to banish RDA, to summon itself onto the field. Then you use dis pater's effect to summon red rising onto the field. Then you synchro into bane with red rising and ubvualoop. Then you special summon the vision you added to hand, and then tribute it to summon scarred from the graveyard. Now you have red zone active, and RDA in banish zone for dis pater destroy or to summon it with red zone next turn.

    End board: Abyss + Dis Pater + Bane + Scared + Gaia + Red Zone (with RDA in banish zone for dis pater destroy or red zone summon).

  3. Full combo - Crimson Resonator + Bone in hand. This combo is quite long so check out the video linked below.

  4. Safe combo - Need synkron in hand for this. If you're scared to go into red rising because your opponent has a bystial in hand, you can play a safer route. Get vision into the grave with either of bone's effects and increase soul's level to go into scarred. Then special summon synkron from hand and go into abyss and then add vision back to go into pater. Same end board as 1 card combo.

General Tips:

  1. Soul Resonator's effect locks you into Dark Synchro Summon.

  2. Bone archfiend's special summon effect locks you into Dark Dragon Synchro Summon.

  3. Going second, you want to preferably synchro with bystial and vision/crimson to get to scarred asap. Earthbound prisoner is also fine instead of bystial cuz you can special summon it if there's a field spell on the board, giving you scarred with soul.

  4. Sp is a free slot. So is chaos angel, though i still keep it just in case. Just play an extra copy of dis pater or abyss over sp.

The Future of RDA:

I was excited for centurion to come to masterduel, as that would greatly increase the power level of the deck. Unfortunately, now that calamity is banned, I'm not sure how good the centurion cards will be for RDA in masterduel. But Centurion will still allow you to play through disruption, so im hopeful. All the deck really needs is something that adds more disruption to the 1 card combo end board, which is why im kinda forced to run cards like skill drain and kaiser colloseum.

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  1. Here's a solid video for combo guides until you get used to the deck:

  2. Here's my ID if you want to check out my replays: ID: 901-149-031

  3. Here's my M5 version of this deck where i go into some other minor details: