
Master I from on May 20th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 120
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Simple combos

I didn't know Scareclaw doesn't have a guide, I may try to write one if I have time. This is a pure version of the deck with a handful of hantraps. For now, some very basic ideas:

  • The most basic endboard should be Scareclaw Tri-Heart with one of the dogs in the field (Astra, Belone or Acro) with Twinsaw set and Scareclaw Kashtira in hand. This gives you a good but un protected wall in Tri-Heart,Twinsaw 2 for 1 removal, the Link lockdown also from Twinsaw, a bit of versatility from Kash in hand and all the non engine interaction you should have on hand. Sounds simple but is usually very effective, you can get this board uninterrupted with any 2 Scareclaws in hand. If you only get one Scareclaw in your opening hand you can get Tri-Heart with one destruction protection and Kash.
  • Visas can help you play around Light Heart getting handtrapped bcs it can revive itself and use him again for another Light Heart and try to search again so that helps.
  • Use Twinsaw at the second you see a main deck monster and a extra deck one on the opponent's field, S:P is a nightmare to deal with if you haven´t activated Twinsaw's GY effect.
  • Going second in this version you want to handtrap to death your opponent and use the OTK potential of the deck, if the opponent only has 1 monster on the field (for example: you stop their starter and extender) you can OTK with just 1 Scareclaw in hand going for Tri-Heart - Astra - Kashtira (you may have to relink Tri - Heart one time if you don´t open Reichheart or Astra).
  • Even if you don´t draw handtraps going second is likely that you have enough engine in hand to break a board (the Adventure and Kashtira versions of the deck are better at this).
  • The Snake Eyes match up is not as unwinnable as you may think, the decent amount of handtraps and Twinsaw can carry your back.

The deck is in a weird spot honestly but still does a good job. Ask any question you may have.

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Some replays here: MD ID: 310-692-574

I forgot to keep the good replays so some of these are not the best of the best.