Notes & Combos
Here we go again Master 1 with Synchro Snake Eyes.
This Decklist honestly after losing 1 Ash and WANTED does way too well still.
I decided to just tech 1 more Poplar and 1 Nibiru to compensate for the Hits, boost Consistency and having more Odds of getting Nibiru for the Mirror.
SP Little Knight is also very good replacing Knightmare Unicorn having 2 Interruptions in 1 Card is just way too good, but it's something that I didn't regularly summoned, which is kinda surprising, but it really depends on the Situation maybe I need more Time to play with SP Little Knight.
Raging Phoenix is just amazing it can enable OTKs way better than before it's only unfortunate that I didn't pull it off as often as I wished but it's still better than Amblowhale.
I could've improved this Decklist potentially by adding Gamma since it doesn't matter if you discard Driver for Diabellstar and it has way more Impact, because it can ***** you over a lot more than Snake Eye Ash getting negated by Imperm, but at the End it doesn't matter too much because I got Master 1 without it.
That's it for the Decklist Note until next Season.