Notes & Combos
Having ping ponged around masters with Punk Kash, Mathmech, Swordsoul and Purrely I settled on this Dlink build to go all the way from M5 to M1
Dlink is in kinda a weird position with the current meta. Going first you're as strong as ever and I didn't run into that many people running nib so full combo is rarely punished. As for going second: on the one hand bystials will murder tear copers and mathmech (who I predict will have a surge in popularity once the firewall stuff drops in the next pack) and greatly disrupts the Labrynth resource loop by banishing furniture. On the other hand you have Kashtira who full combo is basically an ftk against you but aren't consistent enough to be respected. Purrely is more threatening but also much rarer on ladder so again whether you should respect it is up to you. Of course there are also stun decks but those games are won or loss on the coin flip so that's just a skill issue
Goddess never came up on ladder and could easily be replaced for an accesscode or baronne
Final thought: I wish the timer was longer or we got back more time each turn