
Master I from on November 17th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

chose mathmech this season because i pulled the fusion from the pack as well as the new firewall link and arrival cyberse so i figured it was time to play this deck and mess around with those cards. This was the final list that I took to master 1 from master 5. If you're wondering why Link Decoder is not there even though its really good its because i didnt pull it :D

majority of my games were mirror matches lol most other games were either lab or kash. the handtraps that i chose felt the most impactful to draw into with heatsoul or maxx c. Red reboot was pretty much instant win going second vs lab and it happened quite a bit. It was also good going second in the mirror since you get to negate their superfactorial and any imperms they have set so you can just go for OTK over their board. I only bricked a few times with this build (one of them being a master 1 rank up game where i drew 3 ash 1 diameter and called by lol)

overall this deck felt really good in the meta and was very fun to play. Playing around and thru handtraps felt so good. might do an @ignister build for next season :)

ID for replays: 279-451-971

  • first replay: mirror match going second
  • second replay: weird Burning Abyss lab build going second
  • third replay: runick naturia going second (i chose going second games because we all know what this deck goes for when going first at this point lmao)
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