
Master I from on November 23rd, 2023 • 2 comments
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I stole the lab package from fellow subterror players and really like it. This give you very strong otk potential on turn 3. One combo I do a lot with lord is turn 2 lord end phase search big welcome. turn 3 battle phase lord swing 3000, big welcome summon lady return lord, on resolution lord summon it self back on the field for 6000 to a total of 9000 with the extra body it is also much easier to go into access code line.

I was able to beat meta decks consistantly going first with this build. going second become a problem the higher you climb. Maxx c becomes very difficult to resolve with value. pre main phase there are gamma players. at main phase a lot of decks special without a chain or has quick effect special summons. lastly all those combo player have ashe, called by, and cross out, triple tact most of the time. platinum -> diamond dropped 1 metaverse and 1 gozen for 2 maxx c diamond -> master dropped 2 solemn strike and 1 archer for 2 nibiru and 1 imperial iron wall

interesting ruling I found out in my climb. daruma fails to remove psychic end punisher if it is the only monster on both field because no other monsters were flipped successfully.

bystial lubellion can summon itself from the grave under necrovalley.

going second hardest matchup is branded 60 card pile. they never brick second is vanquish soul, third is mathmech, fourth is purrley ghost trick, fifth is labrynth, six is kashtira.

then there are sword soul, floowandereeze, dragon link, runick, spright, gishiki, inspector stun, punk, dark worlds. If I play gozen match vanquis soul match up would be much better but it restricts my lord and labrynth plays.

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a year ago

Hey bro!! I'm very happy to see someone trying out the lil Lab pack! At first view, that ratio seems awkward, but I'm pretty sure you saw how those 3 cards rarely bricks and works surprising well on Suberror. Congrats on the M1! GG, my friend.