Vanquish Soul

Master I from on November 30th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The first M1 climb for any deck I own; it was a hella of a climb. Removed Belle and replaced shifter from my previous list and added back wraitsoth because a free search for fire or earth, free stats to help close out games and excellent ash bait; what is not to love I also do not run tcboo since when you are going second, it does nothing for you, and I prefer the consistency of getting razen or some other non-engine that can help. Mad Love bounce came in handy for a couple of games and helped some of my opps sell hard during some mathces. I faced a lot of math mech and Kash at the end of the climb; if you have any questions about the vanquish soul channel in the MD server. Will put the last 5 games on my

ID: 111-646-299

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