Vanquish Soul

Master I from on November 25th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Got through Diamond using Blind Second Boardbreaker Kash. However, Mathmech grew in popularity which significantly hurt that deck as Mathmech is very strong vs boardbreakers. I then used Mathmech and had streaky runs going up and down maxing out at M2 twice. After 2 M2 demotions I said f it and built VS - and while it cost way too much gems (terrible pulls) it was all worth it as this deck was an absolute blast.

The engine has so many ways to play through things and disruptions its an extremely strong and versatile deck. Not auto-losing to Maxx C/Shifter/Nibiru is a huge benefit right now and this deck does that better than most.

For deck choices I honestly just copied the popular decklists nothing too crazy. Small World is amazing for more than going into Razen such as adding Ash vs. Lab or kurikara vs Kash. For ED honestly nothing matters much besides 3x rock. Next useful is the rank7s as if you are in a situation where bagooska is needed you're likely screwed regardless.

Had a blast, definitely recommend trying the deck and look forward to future builds.

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