Notes & Combos
Chimera with Apprentice. Some tech choice explanations:
No super poly: I wanted to keep the deck at 40 cards and I pefer having gamma crossout and imperm instead of super poly. Super poly is also more likely to eat backrow removal.
gamma: sometimes they can't resist in this deck especially with ash on swordknight. It also helps with playing around maxx c.
beatrice: Beatrice is essentially there for some awkward scenarios that can happen but is not an essential part of any combo until fiendsmith.
Barrier Statue: The deck is severly underpowered without it. Boardbreaks would cook you alive and are currently more popular than called by. Chain the summon of the statue to a summon of a non-dark monster if you can you can get value off it even if they have droplets.
Vouidburial dragon: Very searchable in this deck. Right now it's the best thing to search in most standard 1 card comboes. Will get replaced by Diabellze once that comes out.
Replay ID: 544-879-055