
Master I from on October 6th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Finished 15-5 for last 20 games. But had some real streaky patches and ranked down once or thrice. Changed up the handtraps etc and it worked out.

We go first. I hate watching my opp have fun. This deck is also difficult and finnicky. You have to know what your opp will try to out your huli with and stop that basically and then wam bam on follow up turn.

Sometimes they pass on nothing and those are usually free otks.

Some tricks most opps dont know:

activate rondo first. It seems innocuous but you instantly steal the monster when you ns a name.

if you can save a ceremony to set, it lets you play around hfd and lightning storm.

if you ns huli and then activate an equip the targetting negation takes effect before the spell even resolves :/.

probably more tips i cant think of now. feel free to share in the comments.

D Shifter was MVP. When they ss sigma and you chain it it ruins their day :). Also opening ohime and a girl can do a full line + leave gy empty to shifter after. Also also perfect level for kagura fodder.

2x Ghost belle because fxck Lab and super factorial.

droll is for purrely and wombo combo.

Nib is for...kagura fodder? Never used its effect but theoretically it gives you a body to swing into.

Kagura is nice to out floodgates and it won me games vs lab as well. People dont read :). That butn damage got me to m1.

Roland is like an equip spell with utility. Can easily get you follow up for an otk or recovery, can allow you to play through evenly, and can make a nini or huli live that otherwise would not be.

Tried extrav and i think its cool to bait ash...but i lost a game because i didnt realize it banished my zeus...so i took it out. -.-

inspiration for this list came from kycoo who was runner up at a ycsj. so shout out to that guy. he had some choices i didnt understand like a 1 of kaiju etc. so i just dropped those cards.

i wrote too much again probably. the deck is mad fun. highly recommend.

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