Sky Striker

Master I from on October 14th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos


  • Maxx "C" on standby phase only (mainly since kash)
  • Refrain from using handtraps to disrupt combos unless you're sure it will ruin your opponent's life. This is because 1. it's more efficient for board breaking, and 2. decks recently are too strong to just stop with handtraps and the end field I have to deal with is no easier than the full combo.
  • Save up Ash to counter Maxx C, and use Impermanence as an extra widow anchor during your turn.

Board Breakers

  • You will rely heavy on TTThrust to search board breakers, note that you require a monster on the opponent's field to do that.
  • Abyss Herald specifically for Noir and Avramax, surrender if you can't get hold of the card against Purrely or Spright.
  • Negate first, breaking can go later. Especially with Ariseheart.

Extra Deck

  • You will use AA-ZEUS a LOT against Xyz decks, especially at this moment on season 22.
  • Getting Accesscode out is hard but your opponent doesn't know that, so it kinda works as a bait for Kash Unicorn.
  • You can reduce 1 Hayate to get an extra space, or you can remove Azalea/Accesscode too since you won't be seeing them almost all the time.

Triple Tactics Thrust

  • Thankfully because of this card you don't have to rely on luck to draw cards
  • If you have nothing, absolutely nothing to play, get Triple Tactics Talent or Infinite Impermanence.
  • If you need board breakers, you can get Harpie's Feather Duster or Herald of the Abyss. Raigeki or Dark Hole works too but it's out of the priority.
  • If you lack starters or need to draw more cards, just search Engage! and everything will be fine.
  • Do not get Afterburners (too weak, also you can just get this with Engage which is basically better) and Pot of Desires (too much cost, also just use TTTalents/Engage if you need draws)

Other aspects of the deck aren't different from others. Board breakers are very effective against the meta currently with Kash and Purrely, and the newly added TTThrust gives you a lot of consistency too.

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UID: 329-515-432

Contains Replay for Sky Striker (and gunkan) I used for this season, but most of them is from Diamond since most of the master matchup... Isn't really worth taking a replay tbh. Regardless, I hope this helps.

P.S. Please take a look at the 11 turn game against Labrynth though, it was a hard won match -