
Master I from on October 17th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 540
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Thrust is so good, especially with Small World. And Small World has been winning so many games for me.

I mostly used it to search Kurikara, or better Traptrix starters (search Pudica if you have 2 traptrix on hand, search arachnocampa if you don't have a way to set Holeutea, etc etc)

All the x1 monsters are either starter, bridge, or target for Small World, but they're not really dead if you draw them either, especially since droll is pretty strong in this meta, and nothing beats the good ol' kaiju.

  • Any Traptrix can go into any other Traptrix thanks to Fenrir as a bridge.
  • Fenrir can go into Kurikara with Mantis/Arachnocampa as a bridge.
  • Ash into Kurikara with Droll
  • Droll into Kurikara with Ash
  • And there are many different ways to use Small World, i recommend using the Small World Deck Optimizer you can find online (i'm not sure if i'm allowed to post links here)

Something to note is you can bounce Thrust target with Mantis and use them instantly. Resolving Talents on turn 1 to snipe your opponent's hand is really great and might be instant win. Or if you don't have Mantis you can just set Imperm/Trap Holes with Thrust.


Maxx 'C' is broken, it either stops your opponent turn or eats Ash, which is a win-win if you're running 3 Thrust

No Called by and Crossout because i usually just Sera + Set if i got maxx c'ed, that's also why i didn't run parallel exceed.

Endboard is pretty standard, usually it's Sera + Raff + Floodgate Trap Hole, might have more depending on hand.

I feel like this deck is really good going 2nd with 3x Thrust and all the different toolbox. Doesn't mean you should go 2nd though.


Matchup notes:

  1. Runick is a pain to play against, especially if they run the floodgate variant. I never win against them.
  2. Branded might be a problem if you're going 2nd, pray for Evenly/Thrust
  3. Lab is pretty annoying since they run D Barrier and Skill Drain, but you usually win going 1st against them. (also using small world to search Ash might help in some cases)
  4. Purrely, i haven't seen them much, usually just floodgate their xyz, or banish their Downerd with Pudica
  5. Mikanko kinda pain since you can't floodgate their special summoned monsters (missed the timing because equip spells), but running zoo package might help.
  6. Kashtira is just either Evenly or Kurikara their field if you go 2nd, or Floodgate trap hole their first special summon and win
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ID: 957-956-826

  1. 2nd vs Kash, pretty weak board, only Bagooska + Fenrir, I managed to OTK on the 4th turn
  2. 2nd vs Branded
  3. 1st vs Dragon Link, but they managed to summon Borrelend
  4. 2nd vs Kashtira full board