Notes & Combos
This deck has been very consistent and even has a pretty good match up vs Tenpai. Even went on an 8 win steak from M3 to M2.
The Kashtira package helps the deck play through hand traps. Almost every time I summoned a Kash card it ate up an Imperm or Veiler which usually let me go into the Ice Barrier combo uninterrupted. If you don't have any IB starters Kashtira + Maxx C can go into Sprind to send Mirror Mage, Kashtira + Defender can go into Lancea or Kashtira + Ash/Ogre can go into Baronne. They also help Prima Donna get out Spellbreaker.
Good turn 1 endboard is usually Lancea + Gymir/Dragite + Spellbreaker + a Kashtira. I usually only ever summoned Raiho and Defender with Lancea's effect. Vs a GY heavy deck Georgius or Wayne might be better.
This deck is definitely better going 1st but with all the hand traps going 2nd isn't too bad either. Overall very happy with this list and how it stood up to some of the best decks out there.
Replays 770-510-309
Most recent 3 are with Ice Barrier.