
Master I from on October 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

12 streak from M5 to M3, swept through D2 with a 5 streak. Floodgate Labrynth stay winning.

Tech choices:

  1. No furniture, no servant, only waifu: This meta is crazy with the handtraps. There is no reason to play furniture or Arianna because you will just get hit with Ash or Ghost Belle, and Arianna and the furniture will not stop Tenpai from otking you. I only played the Lvl 8's because they cannot stop Lady's summon from hand, and you always got to play Lovely even when she bricks your hand 9/10 games.
  2. All the backrow protection: With the exception of Red Reboot (and only if you don't draw your counter-trap), you can survive Tenpai if you get Lord of the Heavenly Prison, Anti-spell Fragrance, Eradicator Epidemic Virus or Solemn Judgment. They have at most maybe 4 backrow hate dedicated to their deck in the higher ranks, and you have 9. Simple math means you draw your protection more often than they draw the outs.
  3. The Floodgates: Rivalry and Gozen are usually what you want to play, but Rivalry and Gozen suck against this meta. Since you're more than likely going first, Lose One Turn is in and it goes hard. Skill Drain is enough said. There Can Be Only One kinda hurts, but it'll hurt your opponent more if you know what you're doing. D-Barrier is one honorable mention that works well even if you get hit by a backrow removal without protection. One turn surviving can be enough to turn the duel around.
  4. Weighbridge/Karma Cannon: Karma cannon is usually good but it's great when your opponent has Sangan Summoning on field. If you have a monster, their monsters go to the GY. Weighbridge is a funny card that also bypasses that protection, but it's a little more restrictive.
  5. Extra Deck: Literally just punishment targets and fodder for pots and things I never went into. I think I went into ED maybe twice on the climb and both times were Ty-phon.
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ID: 313-002-811


  1. Tenpai: Bad hand but 2 traps was enough to win. Also showed what you can do if you topdeck Lose One Turn.
  2. Tenpai: Fun fact, Judgment can be used to stop Tenpai even in BP.
  3. Tenpai: Floodgates go brr. Lord set BWL in empty field is game.
  4. Yubel: You can still go second with this deck.
  5. Tenpai: Even if you get hit back Harpie's, you can still win. One turn of surviving is enough.