
Master I from on October 20th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 120
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Largely the same list as last month some minor ED changes. This deck has one of the better matchups against Tenpai without relying on floodgates. The reason being it has protection from destruction for all of your face up Salamangreat cards with Balelynx, has a searchable counter trap negate, and is very good at adding Ash to hand which is a great free way to stop Sangen Kaimen which is the biggest problem in my opinion. Its also pretty resiliant to handtraps which is integral in general. I will leave a replay as a general combo example and only explain unusual strats here.

Remember your Roar negate is a counter trap so opponents cant respond to it except with other counter traps which can shut down some enemy combo lines.

Also know that Salamangreat of Fire only locks you if it resolves successfully. If you didnt get to search with it you arent locked. Do play with that in mind

You can add Ash to hand by summoning it with Horse Prince and either bouncing it to hand with Miragestallio second effect or retreiving it from the gy with Sunlight Wolf second effect. Generally speaking I would only do this if I already have code of soul but there are some scenrio's where I would prefer Ash esecially in the tenpai matchup

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