
Master I from on October 16th, 2024
cp-ur 1440 + cp-sr 510
60 cards

Notes & Combos

unfair tear pile that enables to consistently handloop your opponent by 1-2 cards on your first turn thanks to the gen / ren package which are easily summonable w. cross-sheep

  • snake-eye engine : not much to explain, your main one card combo to curious, most of the time without using your norm

-> if the curious mill enables you to bridge to your tear engine that's always your priority mill ( either havnis or scheiren if you have another aqua otherwise scream if you haven't used your norm yet ) otherwise you bridge to your horus engine thanks to rainbow bridge if you don't already have an access to it

  • horus engine : there is probably no reason not to play the horus cards in a tear pile since it makes your deck way more consistent thanks to zombie-vampire, the potential access to curious and your sarc / imsety discards are most of the time at least +1's
  • gen / ken engine : these two just do way to much in this deck which can abuse of them in the most unfair ways :

-> first, the draw 2 discard 1 you get by summoning ken to your opponent's field is even better than a pot of greed in this deck

second, it enables to handloop your opponent by 1 card by summoning gen to your opponent's field

third, if you resolve one of them, it turns on both of your triple tactics cards which means that you can either handloop your opponent's by 1 more card or search grass right away

-> so far you can summon both of them consistently on your first turn thanks to cross-sheep and zealantis ( allowing you to summon back on your field the one you gave them so you can summon the other one to their field ) which i would always do for the handloop effect

note : both of gen and ken are warriors so grief's value increases since you can summon reino and send one of them to the gy

  • win conditions : going first, which often happens thanks to the wave of tenpais

TIME is your most needed and precious ressource, you can't afford to waste it

going second is still fine into most of boards besides of ftk ones since you have enough gas to break through the most reasonable ones ( = no floodgates )

note : you're doing great into maxx c since you can deck out most of 40-45c decks by just special summoning thanks to zombie-vampire ( which is a -6 cards out of their decks on itself if it resolves ) plus the fact that either gen / ken and flamberge can completely prevent them from having impermanence live ; drawing card destruction into max cc is just straight ftk

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