
Master I from on September 15th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 780
44 cards

Notes & Combos

First time trying the small world package in madolche and I honestly love it. I usually try to stick to 40-42 cards but decided to run droll as well and honestly it has been a great help for most decks i've used it against. Kaiju/kurikara great for dealing with purrely and was a big reason I won those matches or even Underworld goddess. 1 mudora as a tech choice to dump off from the vernusylph level 4 if you already have maxx c or are going 2nd. Pretty standard extra deck, BLS is most replaceable card from there. Took a bit longer to hit master 1 this season with madolche but I feel it was mostly from bad luck like losing coin toss 6 games in a row. Deck feels solid overall though!

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Replay ID: 810-659-908

Some cool replays on my profile from this season that show how powerful this can be!