
Master I from on September 10th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

REPLAYS (they are bad): 535-942-882

First of all, big thank you to Smug from the MDM discord - this list is practically the same as theirs and 3 days ago I didn't know what a mikanko even is. His guide is honestly much better so make sure to read the pins!

What is Mikanko? Mikanko is a going second deck (haters will say it's anime numeron, whereas we all know it's anime crusadia) that relies on setting up equips and crashing into the enemy. When equipped, all the effect monsters (ohime, the ritual, does NOT need an equip) reflect the damage you would've taken from battle.

Basic idea is to kaiju enemy, get the girls equipped and battlephase for lethal.

Quick rundown of everything:

Ha-Re, when equipped, lets you search another equip.

Ni-Ni, when equipped, lets you steal opponents monster on their turn (until the end phase).

Hu-Li (MVP), when equipped, makes every Mikanko card untargetable (outing some decks on her own).

Ohime, the ritual, is a searcher in hand and also on the battlefield can equip a monster with an equip on a quick effect. We summmon Ohime with Ceremony. I found Kagura to be not that great, but it is a preference.

Equips: Fire Dance - Lets you summon a mikanko from hand or GY (Not Ohime) and lets you choose whether to summon a negated monster from opponents GY to their field.

Arabesque - Equips to a monster on the field (from either field). You can then return that monster to the hand and special summon a mikanko from hand or deck and equip it with this card.

Mayowashidori - This equip lets you bounce a card after a mikanko has battled. However, its primary use is to special summon a mikanko from graveyard by equipping this card to it (both have to be in GY).

Reflection Rondo - insane card. lets you steal an opponents monster as long as you control a mikanko. You do not need to control it when you equip, so you can equip it and then normal summon for a free steal. Funny tech is you can actually equip it to monsters unaffected by activated effects, such as Noir (given they do not have targeting protection at the time) and it will steal them.

Double-Edged Sword - equip it to your opponents shiny new kaiju and it will take the damage twice!

Axe of fools is also a good option but you REALLY want Double-Edged Sword.

Oh also mourner is SICK for burn damage and closing lethal!

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