
Master I from on September 9th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Ah, new format, no Tear this time but Purrely, a very fun and strong deck!

There isn't really much to talk about, you use mostly Delicious Memories to make Plump to turn it into Noir turn 1 or turn 2 with the trap card

---You can draw 1-3 Cards in your opponent's standby phase (or 2-6 if you have the trap)

---Always try to keep Noir with 5+ materials but if it better for you to use it for its removal, do it! Just don't detach the level 1 Purrely

--One duster is always good, prosperity is as always an amazing card and decided to cut TTT for Veiler because from the moment you draw so much during your opponent's standby phase you'd rather have an active handtrap (Veiler) than a kinda dead card until your next Main Phase (TTT)

---As for the Extra Deck, Anima came up once, Promenade Thrush came once, 2nd Noir came once or twice and Expurrely Happiness (the rank 7 one) didn't come up at all, so you can swap it out wiht the agent link 2 or Azalea or something else...

---Also SHOTGUN your Maxx C in Standby phase, it's more likely for you to be jumpscared with Kashtira or Kaijus monsters than you have being Gamma-ed

That's all, have fun! Oh and don't forget, cats are better than dogs :)

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