Notes & Combos
Sky Striker going second list. It was a very good experience playing the deck again after so much time with a going second list. The climb was pretty smooth with a 90% winrate in Master 2 to Master 1. The hands were very good 80% of the time.
Tech choices based on what I faced most of the time:
Ghost Ogre for My Friend Purrely/ Magnificent Map/ Kashtira Birth/ P.U.N.K Jam Extreme Session / Purrely effects to xyz summon or even the XYZ monsters' effects so that they won't get that many draws or to prevent them from getting 5 materials for Noir.
H.A.M.P to get rid of unaffected monsters mainly Noir and Psychic End Punisher. It actually led to many surrenders, even though the card is not that great, but at least it's searcable.
Nibiru to stop summon spams. Not needed, but the few times it resolved it really stole the game.
Raigeki instead of third Lightning Storm, because the full monster wipe is great and can bait negates as well. Sometimes you open both and it's full wipe. So satisfying plus gets spells in the GY.
Harpie's Feather Duster, because Labrynth and stun decks were the second most prevalent match ups. Also very good against Mikanko and can destroy My Friend Purrely before dealing with their Noir, so that they don't get the 3 spells back to their hand.
Upstart Goblin for the +1 and free spells in GY. You might want to play Pot Of Desires over this since Droll is getting more common.
Lighting Storm x2 , because you do want the card in your hand most of the time, but you don't want to draw all copies of it at once. Baits negates or wipes their monsters/backrow after baiting negates with your other spells or effects.
Triple Tactics Talent x2, because it's a crazy card, but you don't want more than 2 in your hand even if one gets negated and you happened to draw all of them.
Imperm x3.. Imperm is imperm. One of the best handtraps ever, if not the best. You can replace 1 imperm and 1 ogre with Droll, but I didn't like Droll in Striker that much. You need the card advantage in your turn to keep controlling the game or you'll most likely lose.
Extra Deck:
Pretty standard for Sky Strikers. You can replace 1 Hayate with another Charmer, but I wouldn't. She won me games when the opponent was on low LP and they had a tower.
Unicorn is there, because it's generic and sometimes you want to shuffle instead of destroying a card to prevent giving advantage to your opponent. You can change for Ningirsu or something else.