Notes & Combos
Played first an version with no Maxx Cs and no Pots to bring it down to 40.
Performed well at the beginning but i now prefer this version.
The deck can very easyily OTK through multiple disruption and MAXX C and turn 1 your fine under Maxx C aswell.
Black Rose and PEP are nice additions. Espeacially PEP won me some tricky games.
Destrudo carried me this season.
You can play I:P instead of Black Rose. It was nice sometimes like when you make Oroburus against an labarynth Player and banished everything in the End Phase. But i personally think that the board where I:P would be good you are in a winning position anyway.
Black Rose was nice against mikkanko, spright and applied a lot of easy preasure :)