
Master I from on September 16th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 480
49 cards

Notes & Combos

Got to M1 with Chimera last month, but back to Branded after a short break. Comfiest deck of them all.

Usually Diamond 2->1 is impossible but this season it was Master 2->1 that posed a challenge instead. My Masters winrate going into M2 was somewhere north of 75%, but the variance went the other way towards the end... Overall ended up 36 - 20 (~64.29%), which is fine I suppose.

Results of games I played through my Masters climb are included below along with whether I was otp or otd (except for one game I didn't manage to record...). No apologies for the lazy formatting.



3 - 1 yubel otd

5 - 3 yubel otp

1 - 0 yubel (replay expired and couldn't recall if i was otp or otd)

0 - 1 yubel otp (opp chose to be otd, i bricked)

0 - 1 "bad yubel card" tribal otp (no plays)

1 - 1 centurions otp

3 - 0 centurions otd

1 - 0 mannadium centurion (?) otp

0 - 1 vv otp

1 - 0 vv otd

1 - 0 vv splashing branded fusion + floodgate otp (but i passed immediately so i was effectively otd with opp opening 6)

1 - 0 fkse otp

0 - 2 fkse otd

2 - 0 kash otp

1 - 0 kash otd

1 - 0 labrynth otp

2 - 1 mathmech otp

2 - 0 60c horus tear otp

1 - 1 lightsworn tear horus otp

1 - 0 naturia horus splashing cent otp

0 - 1 purrely otd

0 - 1 megawhale endymion otd (fully royaled UR's bar one)

1 - 0 megawhale endymion otp (same guy, i recognized their username and checked the screenshot i had made of their shiny deck to find they ran 0 interaction 🤣)

0 - 1 60c branded otd 0 - 1 60c branded otp (maxx c) 1 - 0 60c "bad branded card" tribal otd

1 - 0 infernoid otp (opp chose to be otd)

1 - 0 weird stun build otp

0 - 1 infernity grass otd

0 - 1 sky striker otp

0 - 1 phantom knights otp

1 - 0 ancient gear otp (opp chose to be otd)

1 - 0 pendulum magicians otd

1 - 0 60c Neos otp

1 - 0 spyral (lmao) otp

0 - 1 Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel (game failed to load my matched opponent, kicked me out before coin toss, and recorded a loss. Nice!!!)

1 - 0 46c yubel spright kash w/ melffy splash. a grave dishonor to the fluffs, this player belongs in the dumpster.

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Most of my replays are Branded, though many of them are slightly different decklists depending on when they were saved. I barely played against SE of any type this season, unfortunately, but I believe I have a bunch of replays vs FKSE and SE-RACE from the past couple of months.