
Master I from on September 14th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Should have played Red Supernova Dragon, but I'm poor and don't have any UR CP, because I coped on Shadows Light being a cool card.

In theory Bystial + Shadows Light is full combo, you make Malong with Light and go into Auxila to search for your Centur-Ion cards.

But drawing Maxx C is just better, so going over 40 in a deck, that plays very little bricks is not worth it in my opinion.

I have never summoned Packbit or Archfiend, but in theory they could come up, just remember that Emblema locks you, if you use it to place a monster in the backrow.

I played Synchro Zone as a meme, but it won me the 3 games I drew it. You can do neat plays, like linking off Chaos Angel or Legatia, to bring them back and trigger their effects again. Also it prevents Zeus. Also also in niche situations you can in theory synchro with it.

I also thought about playing Etude of the Branded, but Regained is just such a good card for the grind, that you dont really want to even go for Etude if you have Lubellion.

I would also switch Goddess or Packbit for Almiraj.

It's a one card combo deck, so the combos are very linear, just remember, that synchroing with Druiswurm into Chaos Angel or Baronne is often better than Blazar.

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