
Master I from on September 9th, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

YA1NVL (Yet Another 1 Negate Value Loop)

Noun. A recursive 1-card combo deck where a large part of the endboard's power lies in its ability to produce one singular omni negate.

(Though Centur-Ion ends on more than just Blazar, and you'll often make Supernova instead, Blazar is frequently the greatest part of the endboard.)


This deck reminds me of how much I love having a Bystial engine. They: increase the deck's ceiling (see replay), help push through hand traps, are hand traps, and are decent at board breaking (Lubellion search Druiswurm can force interaction that Centur-Ion alone would lose to). And every once in a while, if you brick on a couple Bystials, you can just win by pretending you're playing Bystial control, which I did have to do several times in the whole climb.

Wake-Up and Emeth

Maybe I'm missing something but with a high Bystial count, I think Centur-Ion Bonds is far better than Wake Up. Bonds helps you play through Imperm/Veiler on Auxila. Instead of searching Wake-Up with Primera when Trudea gets interrupted, consider just going for Gargoyle. And even then, quite often you'll have Lubellion for another 8 anyway. Also anyone playing both maindeck level 8s is kind of insane and just asking to brick. Emeth is usually the better one but with Bystials, Gargoyle is Lubellion fodder and a dragon for Hieratic Seal. Funnily enough, just a couple of days ago, Emre at Worlds agreed with (most) of my ratios, so I'm happy.

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https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=936690-63934678 An example of Primera + Lubellion making a crazy endboard. With more of either engine you also end on Phalanx. Dies hard to Nib but that card's not the most common currently and the simple Centur-Ion board + hand traps is not always enough to win anyway.