Notes & Combos
M5-M1 list bit different from my m5 list, cut some non engine, now only 45c
Maindeck card choices :
- no more caliber since its a brick
- chaos dragon 1-1 ratio since both are kinda brick (you want to get them via chaos space/seyfert
- noctovision most of the time a winmore card so i cut it
- 11113 bystial ratio because drawing too many non lubellion is also a brick
- maxxing out anti maxx c with 3 ash 2 gamma 2 cbtg 1 crossout
- levyaneer is a really good card, can snipe opponent board breaker, also going 2nd 2 non tagetting pop is really good
- 3 BMD + one for one is kinda needed imo, since for some reason Chaos space and Quicklaunch is still semi smh
- feather duster to sack trap deck
Extradeck choices :
- savage, dispater, 2 striker, pisty, seal, rom, SP, borrelend is standard
- Chaos angel because its broken and we can summon it
- Baronne for go 2nd
- Atum is basically romulus 2.0, and basically access every engine in the deck, be carefull when using it go 2nd, very prone to handtrap
- diling is good, extra body always appreciated
- dharc is also good and can combo with triple burst when go 2nd
- No IP because i prefer my board be seal borrelend savage dispater
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