
Master I from on September 15th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the list I used for the climb this season with very little changes. I did have a few loss streaks that made the climb much longer than normal. This season I had 5 times when I ranked up, and then lost 3 in a row to derank, inclding two 6 game losing streaks to derank twice. A majority of those losses were going second and/or bricking. I ended up only going first ~43% of games this season. On the positive side, I did have a few win streaks including an 8 game win streak from M3 to M2 and a 5 game win streak to get to M1.

Overall I really like this list and I think the adjustments I made and the ratios work really well together to give you a good chance going second. In my opinion the best / most important cards in the list are Spell Card "Soul Exchange" and Macro Cosmos. I have bricked and still able to win just from Macro Cosmos stalling long enough. The ratios feel really good and the 2 Cosmic Cyclone + Harpie (can be searched by TTT) help with backrow much more than previous Kashtira lists I have played.

Some cards I would really like to add but can't really find the room are Imperm, Called By, maybe Evenly? For Imperm, even at one I think it would be good for TTT search. Right now there is no target to use turn 2 if you TTT on turn 1.Maxx C is pretty tough to play into so called by is always nice to have. Maybe taking out some Cosmic Cyclone for those is an option but Cosmic Cyclone has been very helpful against Yubel, Voiceless, and Centurion in particular.

For Pot of Prosperity banish targets are: Garura, Big Eye, Flare (unless I can get opp to low LP), Dark Armed, Arise Heart, Infinitrack. If I don't banish Flare I will usually banish another Dark Armed or Big Eye if not needed or XYZ locked from Kashtiratheosis.

As always feel free to message me here or on discord (dominick1234) for help or to play!

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I always get asked for replays and messages for them so here are a few to choose from! This is NOT a going second deck but I wanted to show some replays that specifically show the power of the board breakers in this deck and how impactful they can be.

  1. Manueh - 2nd vs Kashtira
  2. Manases - 2nd vs Yubel
  3. (Symbols) - 2nd vs Branded
  4. KoH Obito - 2nd vs Yubel
  5. Oragon - 1st vs Ice Barrier
  6. SempaKendor - 2nd vs Ice Barrier
  7. Gink - 2nd vs Stun