
Master I from on September 6th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Easier climb this time around due to finally familiarized with all those meta decks also getting 10-win streaks from Master 3 to Master 1, just slightly tweaked a bit from my previous version of the deck for better ratio i guess.

Again for the combo, Tomahawk-Auroradon play are still high risk-high reward play, so make sure you have cards ready for interruptions like CbtG, Crossout, etc or try to bait all the distruptions first. It is possible to setup a ridiculous endboard by having IP Masq, Baronne, Borelload, Colossus, Shangri-Ira, and Arise-Heart, all of them at the same turn although it requires 3-card combo. Also keep in mind you shouldnt go for this play under D. Shifter coz it requires cards like Jet Synchron and O-Lion to be sent to graveyard. So if its not possible then just go for normal Bang the Shangri play. I'd also recommend to banish the Tomahawk package (cupid, accel, borreload, tomahawk, ip & auroradon) when you plan to use Pot of Prosperity.

Again keep in mind this list is a win-more version of an already brickfest Kashtira deck, so you might have to go try-hard a little bit, in my case at least i can get some winstreaks in Master rank & Rating matches, Hehe. But at least this offers you more ways to play the deck, like for example to avoid situation like Shangri pass when you cant make plays into Arise-Heart.

PS: Spell Card "Soul Exchange" is a really good card for board-breaking and you still able to normal summon afterwards.

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ID: 074-103-962 vs Voiceless Voice (8/21/2024) vs Kashtira Mirror (8/29/2024)