
Master I from on September 9th, 2024
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 90
48 cards

Notes & Combos

I wanted to hit M1 with Ninjas this season for the anniversary of their release and have been wanting to try this toy box variant out. It's not bad! (not top tier but you'll have some great games on it, can play pretty well into Maxx C with Bagooska or normal summon Hanzo but also do some comboing if the chance arises)

The TECH explained:

  • Magician Souls: Sends Nazuki to the GY since she's a spellcaster, making Kagero, Digger and Mystery live. She can also eat left over notebooks to draw, and obviously the Toybox stuff to do the wombo combo with the toys.

  • Toy Box: Soldier searches Upstart (if you have a trap) or Shield Bearer to summon Baku. Soldier + Tank make Dempsey to search Kagero (who can revive Nazuki on normal summon). Late game, Tank can revive any ninja from GY, particularly Hanzo and Baku for excellent grind game. All the extra bodies also makes doing the Borrelsword OTK much easier and more consistent. Also protects Mitsu from battle on opponent's turn.

  • Droplet: Incredible when comboed with toy box and helps give ninja extra non-targeting interactions that can help hold the board down on the opponent's turn. All in all was a godsend this season.

  • Only Maxx C and Imperm for Hand Traps: Ninjas are not a hand trap deck IMO, they're a 2 card combo minimum deck and hand traps are fairly low impact in this meta outside of C / Shifter. Imperm is okay because it combos with upstart, but it's also a breaker and I wanted to focus on more consistent going first with breakers to help going second. SAVE IMPERM FOR YOUR TURN if you don't think it's a very strong choke point that's got a high probability of stopping their turn, or you think they have a dodge effect in hand like squirmer / kirin.

  • 48 Cards: You don't really want doubles of anything in a ninja deck. ESPECIALLY in this deck. With big garnets like Jioh and Nazuki, the less you draw them the better IMO.

Potential changes you can make: You can take the Zeus package out for Linkuriboh, or you can make room for super poly targets if you're still struggling with going second. You can also run gallant granite and use the toybox stuff to search Fossil Dyna if you're feeling evil but I refuse to go to the dark side.

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Replays: 371-598-320

I tried to feature replays that involved Toy Box but a lot of games just end up being regular ninja games on this deck so I've excluded those. Also not a lot of going second into full boards because that's not really a thing that happens in modern yugioh lmao, especially into Yubel.... coinflip game.
