
Master I from on September 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 570
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Plant best deck🖤

I have been waiting for this support for so long. I will make replay and guide below on my youtube for now let me link some combo line that I have made hope it help everyone <3.

if you want cactus remove darkruler and add cactus bouncer and jasmin but if you want second konkon go a head.

This list has 16 one card starters 20 handtrap and boardbreaker. there few two card combo for example glamour plus any plant normal summon that plant tribtue then search petal plus evil seeds then just do evil seeds combo line plus you can resummon petal using raika card effect to bring back petal and get one free search.🖤

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I started the climb from M3 to M1 when the pack came out I post all the duels below I went 10-0 with extreme luck there no fun duels there I just win coin toss.

If you have any question my youtube is SquirrelWillEatCat Discord .punn.

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Replays,Guide soon in the channel🖤

Climb from M3 to M1(there's no fun duel here):


Combo line playlist just watch the combo need:
