
Master I from on September 6th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Same decklist compared to M5. I will share some experience of playing against to Tier Decks, especially when you go first. Salamangreat can hardly breakthrough the endboard of tier decks if you are go second and cannot stop their full combos with handtraps. So don't miss any chance when you go first.

  1. Yubel. Almost the most common decks in Master 5-1. Many salad users have no idea how to deal with the Yubel monsters with GY effects and battle-destroy immunity. Just ignore them, because you have Sanctuary to avoid damage. Clear all the Field Spell and Continous Spells of Yubel with Charge and PyroPhoenix as possible as you can. Yubel engine cannot run without Continous Spells. For example, if other side normal summon Beckoning and cast Spirit Gate, it is a good timing using code of soul's effect to destory all of them.

    Princess in GY must wait for Phantom of Yubel. Don't worry about the Yubel called by Phantom, you can bounce her with Miragestallio in turn 3 or just ignore.

    Anohter tips to this match is that do not attack if you cannot deal with Spirit of Yubel. Usually I will not attack until I set Roar or get Ash of blossom to negate Spirit.

  2. Snake-eye Fire King. The key to stopping SEFK in Turn 2 is deal with Sacred FK Garunix and Hiita Fire Chamber correctly. Your opponent will always summon Hitta for catch Princess in your GY, which is a dangerous action. Destory Hitta with Princess as soon as her summon. Hitta will search 1 fire monster with 1500 DEF or lower, usually you cannot stop her but it is a good timing for using Droll.

    Another monster should be care is Sacred Garunix. Once it is summoned it can destory Kirin in deck. Kirin will summon from GY and pop your Roar set on backrow. You should counter Garnix's second effect by Roar.

    Tips: Don't forget the Sacred Garunix lay in GY in Turn 3, banish it with littleknight is a good choice. Many SEFK decks have only 1 Sacred Garunix.

  3. Voiceless. It is easy to win this match if you go first, for PyroPhoenix can destory Lo and Barrier placed by her. But if you fall into a grind game with Voiceless, something to keep in mind:

    1.The ritual spell in GY will rebuild the board after your PyroP sweeping. Banish it with littleknight before using PyroP.

    2.Sauravis in hand can negate the special summon of Princess from GY. You can summon a fire monster by weasel to the zone pointed by Wolf. Put Princess's effect in Chain 1, Wolf's in Chain 2 to avoid Sauravis.

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My Masterduel id :129-804-022. Sometimes I will renew my replay.